We have implemented a method to allow users to be notified of new features within AuditFindings. Since August 1, 2017, we’ve listed changes to the AuditFindings system on the Change Log page of our help system.
At any time, users can view the AuditFindings change log page via the support center at https://support.auditfindings.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001285073-Change-Log.
This page lists recent updates to the isissue-trackinglatform. If users would like, they can “Follow” the page to be notified when a comment is added. At least monthly, we will add a comment to the page to trigger the help system to send a notification to users who follow the page.
If you have any questions about the system or would like more information about current or existing features, please contact us at support@auditfindings.com.